He also serves as a co-Director for the Center for Criminal Law and Justice in the School of Law, Xiamen University ( PRC) to promote empirical criminal justice research in China. 何教授还担任厦门大学法学院刑法研究中心的共同主任,致力于推进中国的实证刑法研究。
China and ASEAN Member Countries to Assist with the Extradition of the Criminal Justice System Research 中国与东盟成员国刑事司法协助与引渡制度研究
We should fix a position for the criminal legal precedent system above the carrier of the reference of administration of justice trial and theory research. 而应当将刑事判例制度定位在司法审判的参考、理论研究的载体之上。
This paper attempts to theoretically comprehensive and systematic exposition of the field of criminal justice activism judicial principle, to provide a reference for the latecomer in this area of research, and also to provide a reference for the judicial practice. 本文试图从理论上全面系统的阐述刑事司法领域能动司法原理,为后来者对此方面的研究提供参考,也为司法实践提供借鉴。
In the field of criminal justice, most of the judicial activities research whether there is a crime, whether around bear criminal responsibility. So the inflicter becomes the center of the whole criminal justice system for granted, emphasizing to safeguard his/ her right from procedure. 在刑事司法领域,大部分司法活动都是围绕是否存在犯罪、是否承担刑事责任展开的,加害人理所当然成为整个刑事司法体系的中心,注重从程序上保障其权利。
In a society of modern legal system, determining a crime accurately and imposing sentence appropriately are two basic demands in the whole criminal administration of justice. As important as determining a crime, the research of sentencing procedure is also necessary and important. 定罪准确与量刑恰当是现代法制社会对整个刑事审判工作的两项基本要求,因此对量刑和量刑程序的研究同定罪问题同等重要。
Finally, the article features based on the inspection and supervision of thinking, not to avoid active judicial prosecution of criminal justice supervision deficiencies, to promote active judicial inspection and supervision of criminal justice theory in future research, enriched and developed. 最后,文章基于对检察监督特性的思考,毫不回避刑事审判能动司法检察监督的缺陷问题,以促进刑事审判能动司法检察监督理论在今后的研究、丰富和发展。
Overall, according to researchers who study different focus, the author will be divided into two categories: one category is to advocate the modesty of criminal law theory research; one is to promote justice and convenient practical research. 总体而言,根据研究者研究的不同侧重点,笔者将其分为两类:一类是倡导刑法谦抑性的纯理论研究;一类是提倡司法便捷的实务性研究。
The administrative enforcement and criminal justice convergence mechanism has been developed well in our country. But there is little regulations for evidence. Theoretical research is weak, too. 我国的行政执法和刑事司法衔接机制已经发展的较为成熟,但是针对其中的证据衔接问题却少有规定,理论研究也比较薄弱。